Rounding up and out the year 2010, the opening art party at the Firehouse North Art & Events Gallery was a true success of pleasant crowds mingling, meeting and experiencing the mission of the Firehouse Art Collective mission statement live.
 "A space for artists of all disciplines to co create community & culture and collectors and patrons to purchase art of lasting value."
At this time, entering a new year, full of promise and possibilities, what takes shape before our visionary eyes is the expanse of what cross disciplinary really means and to what extend everyone is included in this statement.
Mind expanding.
This current show includes a dimension not usually openly apparent, the spiritual side, of art.
The transformational, mediative and inspiring images of Shiva, the "holder of space" THAT which contains all of creation within it's vast void...beyond words, I can see that right now trying to write about it.

A great honor is that Dinesh, a master of the style of Tantric art, painted a mural commissioned by Siddhartha Shah, for which we are deeply grateful and honored to keep on our gallery wall. Framed art by Dinesh is available for purchase at the 'North', art of truly lasting value, for collectors and you & I alike.

The music came together by Brendan Getz and Courtney Hartman, members of the Firehouse East. Their musical meanderings provided the perfect caressing and dynamic sound scape for this eclectic event. Bravo!

Both, Siddhartha Shah, the curator and collector of these prints and original prints, and Chris Hareesh Wallis, a highly dynamic scholar and speaker on the subject of Tantra, are an exciting part of this new dimension. Hearing them talk about what they have learned, sharing their Love and interest in the expanded intellectual awareness of ancient know how, is a true treat...HAPPY HOLIDAYS YA'LL!!!!
Wine served by 'Valley Wine Co'

Live music by Brendan Getz and Courtney Hartman

Hareesh Wallis and Friend

Dinesh and Tom Franco in conversation

Dinesh and Tom Franco with mural of Shiva

Full House

truly intergenerational event

The mural as portrait destination

BhadraKali aspect of Shakti

Kurt and Dipti Anderson