POETRY IN HUMOR with Reinhard Horstkotte

Poetry in humor
An Introduction to the clown

Clowns were always part of human society. In all cultures around the world there were figures who took the mirror and put it in front of the people. And in the mirror they showed them what was important for their lives in that specific time. In middle age the fool made jokes about the king and showed him his ignorance. In nomadic tribes he encouraged the people not to give up hope for water by making silly jokes and dances, letting them forget their thirst and hunger for a while. In religion they disturbed the ceremonies to remind the people of the truth beyond the simple repetition of a ritual.
For the modern clown there is- of course the question of how to make other people laugh- how to take them into the world of the clown that is full of pleasure, joy, fantasy and aliveness. In order to do that, we have to be as we are and at the same time be very alert of the reaction of the audience. This is very tricky because when we are just ourselves and at the same time fully aware of the others - their feelings and conditioning - we start to loose ourselves. The clown lives in this the paradox of balancing on the edge of being completely lost and being truly him(her-)self.

Reinhard Horstkotte is one of Europe’s pre-eminent professionals in the field of clown work.
Mr. Horstkotte is also a musician of rare and refine sensibilities. He is an agile and inventive acrobat. For last 20 years his work, of great poetic and innovative quality, has been performed on stage and in the community setting. Mr. Horskotte is artistic director of ROTENASEN Germany a non- profit organization that brings clowns in to children’s hospital, senior residences, and rehabilitation programs. He gives seminars and lectures internationally about the clown, theatre, circus techniques and percussion.

This workshop will be held at the Firehouse North Gallery
On 1790 Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley
Saturday, February 6, 2010
10:30 am to 3:30pm
Learning fee options:

Professional $ 35 Student $ 25
Lunch will be available for purchase
Register per e-mail: firehousenorth@gmail.com

Enrollment limited to 20 participants