Created by Cora Jaeschke
“Sonnenblume” is about embracing the changes that life gives you and taking on your own vulnerability. This delicate and rather soft series was taken on after a loaded year of challenges. The loss of a sister, a daughter, a friend, a companion. Anyone that takes place close to your heart. These events have the power to change everything around you in an instant; to which would have you question where you wanted to be; a soft or hard place.
Before the artist took on her figurative and floral design. Three paintings were created beforehand, very small paintings inspired by a family tradition in honoring a passing of our loved ones. The main subject was golden sunflowers which symbolized attaining unity in which was also family member's favorite flower.
Sunflowers, nature, love and loss being the pure inspiration for this body of work.
“All things must grow and all things must change but my love will always remain the same”
Acceptance, with our own individual authenticity, death, or the fact that things are completely out of your own control and so learning to be able to flourish beyond any measure with that understanding. Having created vulnerability be our most influential strength.
The artist centralizes on creating a tranquil environment to invoke a inner dreamlike calm. A sleep like inner peace, for the viewer to visualize liberation in delicacy.
The creating process of these pieces took over the span of a year all materials were collected and repurposed from the streets of Oakland, Berkeley and Emeryville. Oil on wood and digital created in Photoshop on Wacom Cintiq.