Opening Night
Saturday, October 12, 7-9pm
1790 Shattuck Avenue
October 5 to 31, 2013

"Dear Friend,
I am writing this to you. Yes you! You have changed my life in more ways than you may think you have. Every smile we shared, every laugh we made, all amount to a special moment that was shared in one moment in time. That moment will never happen again exactly the way it did.
You and I were a part of that moment. I will never forget it. I will never forget you. Although we are miles apart (Even just those who are only a few miles away), I wanna say that I miss you. Let’s reunite in another moment in time. Adding up a lot of moments with you is all that it would take to make me happy for eternity.
Because of you, I am the person I am today. Experiences are the world to me, and I am glad I got to experience them with you. Love, kevinHcheah"
Furthermore, I requested that they take a few photographs of things around their respective neighborhoods and email the images back to me. Proceeding, I took their image/images and my original photograph and collaged them together. Using a self-developed printmaking technique on tape, I proudly present to you the outcomes of my artistic therapeutic sessions.
Posted by: Julia Lazar
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