Saturday, OCTOBER 1, 7:30 TO 10pm
ANANDA RASA, a local Kirtan music group led by David Estes, a young dynamic musician gathering momentum with a group of passionate singers and instrumentalists. If you have never experienced Kirtan music, it can be a life changing moment, in the way participants connect to the music and each other. In a sense, there is no audience, but a call and response of heartfelt sounds. Often the words are sung in Sanskrit or another Indian language spoken today. A 'must' if you already like Kirtan, this is a group to keep watching, their first CD will be released soon.
There will be a small donation fee at the door to cover costs.
Friday, OCTOBER 29, 7:30 TO 10pm
Come dressed up and ready for open Mic!
Our tribute to all local poets, musicians and performance artists, to have a time and place to contribute their art to the community.
More information will be posted on Facebook, so sign up as a friend.
This is a free event AND there will be an information, snack and beverage table with a donation jar for your generous contributions.